Florida Plastic Surgeon Charged After Wife Dies in Surgery!

Florida Plastic Surgeon Charged After Wife Dies in Surgery!

Florida plastic surgeon Ben Brown has been charged with manslaughter following the death of his wife, Hillary Brown, during a surgery he performed on her. Brown had faced malpractice charges before and had restrictions on his medical license, causing his clinic, Restore Plastic Surgery, to shut down.

On November 21, 2023, Brown performed multiple procedures on Hillary, including scar revision, liposuction, lip injections, and ear adjustments. She prepared her own anesthesia for the surgery, which was a risky and controversial practice at his clinic. Hillary also helped with other medical tasks, even though she wasn’t licensed to do so.

Things went wrong when they ran out of anesthetic during the surgery. Witnesses said Brown used undiluted lidocaine, which led to severe complications and her death.

The Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office charged 41-year-old Brown with second-degree felony homicide for manslaughter due to negligence. Brown’s family is grieving and says the charges are adding to his pain. 

Currently, there is no information about his legal defense, and investigations are still ongoing to understand more about what happened. This tragic incident has led to calls for stricter oversight of medical practices.


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